Paddle style ceramic setups utilize a specially blended ceramic button with a sprung and or unsprung hub, matched heavy duty pressure plate, and release bearing. Most applications are available with either sprung or unsprung hubs. These ceramic kits are recommended for those who have added a large turbo, supercharger, or large nitrous shot to their naturally aspirated engine or have a factory turbo vehicle that has been highly modified. For those who are pushing their power ratings 80% or higher over the stock vehicles rated power, you may want to take a look at our new paddle style feramic discs.
Shipping: This item(s) are shipped factory direct and can take 7-14 days for delivery.
Standard Clutch Break-in Procedures
During the first 100 miles, never idle away from a stop, always bring the rpm’s up to at least 1,500rpm before letting the clutch out. If you don’t do this, the clutch will begin to chatter. Clutch will have less play from disengaged to fully engaged than a stock clutch does. No hard launches yet. Do not apply full power yet.
The next 100-300 miles the Clutch should engage very smoothly. If it ever gets chattery, hold the rpms at around 6,000rpm and slowly let the clutch out in 1st gear, keeping the rpm’s at 6,000rpm. Doing this once will eliminate any chatter. You can apply full power now. No hard launches yet
At 300 plus miles Clutch should be completely broken in. Hard launches are fine. Full power is fine.