
Hexa Floor Mats

Stylized and functional floor mat set from Hexa in Korea. Includes front and rear mats plus center mat if applicable for your vehicle. Features two-piece design with removable rubberized top liner that allows dirt, dust, cocaine, or whatever ends up on your floor mats to be removed with a quick and easy wash after removing the top layer. Available in 3 colors as pictured - red, black, blue.


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1 x ING B-type Wheel Caps
1 x StopTech SportSlot Rotor Set
1 x Spec Stage 3 Clutch (1.8L/2.0L)
2 x Boostec Carbon Fiber Duckbill Spoiler
3 x LED-Studio Rear Reflector Modules
2 x Vivid GT Wheel Caps
5 x Custom Quote 3
2 x Luxon Rear Frame Brace
2 x StopTech Rear Big Brake Kit
2 x Miro Type-398 Wheels
3 x NEFD Rear Diffuser
6 x Jun B.L Headers (2.0L)
5 x Borla 3.8L Catback Exhaust
5 x Maintec o2 Housing
31 x NGM 2.0L Mid-Pipe
32 x Vivid GT-Wing Wheel Caps
2 x KDM GDi Lettering (Custom)
2 x Carbon Fiber v2 Hood Vents
1 x Eibach RD Pro-Kit
11 x Carbon Fiber Side Vents
1 x Injen 2.7L Cold Air Intake (03-08)
3 x Hawk HPS Brake Pads (Front)
2 x Carbon Fiber Rear Reflectors
3 x LCD Multi-Display Bezel Kit
3 x D-Auto Pedal Set (Elantra AD)
99 x RalcoRZ STS 5-Speed Shifter
99 x Mishimoto Carbon Fiber Radiator Cap
1 x OEM TPMS Sensor
8 x ZB Industry Floor Mat Set
1 x RalcoRZ STS 6-Speed Shifter
2 x Seibon C-Style Deck Spoiler
9 x Carbon Fiber Fuse Box Covers
3 x Carbon Fiber Fuse Box Covers
4 x HKS Radiator Cap
3 x M&S Carart Steering Wheel Circle Badge
3 x Carbon Fiber GDI Engine Cover
2 x TrakLite Angle Wheels (Gold)
2 x Gemini-AR Carbon Fiber Front Lip
2 x HKS SuperFire Spark Plugs (3.3L)
1 x K&N Short Ram Intake (2011-2013, 1.8L)
35 x Carbon Fiber Engine Cover (3.3L)
1 x Clutchmasters FX250 Street Clutch
1 x Convex Side Mirrors
4 x HKS SuperFire Spark Plugs (2.0L)
1 x D2 Racing Coilover System (LF)
1 x ISR o2 Housing
1 x K&N Typhoon Short Ram Intake (2.0L)
99 x Ludi Type-A Deck Spoiler
99 x Borla Exhaust (07-08, 2.7L)
3 x Injen Cold Air Intake (2.0L)
3 x Genesis Steering Wheel Badge
1 x StopTech Stainless Brake Lines (Front)
11 x Competition Clutch Kit - Stage 3.5 (2.0T)
2 x Carbon Fiber Valve Caps
1 x Deco-X Bumper Protector
1 x DBA XP Performance Brake Pads (Front & Rear)
2 x Megan Racing Carbon Fiber Hatch Spoiler
2 x EBC GreenStuff Brake Pads (Front)
30 x K&N Drop-In Filter (2.0L)
4 x H&R DRM 20mm Wheel Spacer Set
1 x ImportShark v2 Window Banner
1 x CX Racing 2.0L Top-Mount Turbo Manifold
1 x AEM Drop-In Filters (3.3L)
6 x Sequence Carbon Fiber Widebody Kit
18 x KDM Wing Emblem (Front)
13 x SPEC Stage 2+ (1.6L)
26 x Carbon Fiber F/L Air Duct
99 x Jun B.L Exhaust System (Kia Rio)
1 x Brenthon Emblem Set
16 x ClutchMasters FX100 Clutch/Fly Combo (2.7L)
99 x HPS SRI 2.0T (27-201WB)
5 x Extreme Dimensions RS-1 Sideliners
1 x HPS Radiator Hose Kit - Red (2.0T)
1 x AirTouch Auto Trans-Cooler
1 x BBM Carbon Fiber Lip Spoiler
14 x HKS SSQV4 Blow-Off Valve Kit
22 x Jun B.L 2.0L GT Catback Exhaust
26 x Enkei PF01 Wheels (Black)
17 x R1 Concepts Rotors (Slotted)
26 x Wagner Tuning Charge Pipe Kit (3.3L)
21 x Jun B.L 2.0L Turbo Downpipe
18 x Brenthon Emblem Set
26 x KDM GDi Lettering
16 x CX Racing 2.0L Turbo Manifold
24 x GFB Hybrid TMS Dual BOV Kit
29 x .Gunmetal Wing Emblem
28 x Wing Emblem Replacement Backing
47 x EBC GreenStuff Brake Pads (Front & Rear)
24 x SPEC Stage 3+ (1.6L)
21 x ARK Performance Sway Bar Set
22 x Fel-Pro Valve Cover Gasket Set (3.8L)
10 x Ixion YF Lip Kit (Dual Outlet)
25 x .NGM 3.8L Headers
9 x Carbon Fiber Headlight Eyelines
19 x ArtX YF Carbon Fiber Grill w/ Hood Garnish
12 x HPS SRI 2.0T (27-201P)
15 x Carbon Fiber Console Surround
24 x K&N Typhoon Sonata/Optima 2.0L
1 x Tomato A&P Rear Diffuser
18 x Whiteline Rear Sway Bar Links
19 x 3D Steering Wheel Badge
24 x Jun B.L 3.3L Race Catback Exhaust
1 x D-Auto Sport Plates (K7)
10 x GT v1 Lettering
7 x Clutchmasters FX350 Clutch/Flywheel Combo (2.0T)
1 x SC-2 Rear Bumper
1 x .Copper Wing Emblem
1 x Custom Rear Reflector Vents
1 x Brenthon Emblem Set
1 x Crower BC625+ Connecting Rods (3.8L)
8 x Riaction Sport Coilovers (True Rear)
2 x ARK Performance GT-F Springs
90 x AEM Short Ram Intake (3.3L)
99 x Shift Knob - Super Mario
99 x ARK 3.8L R-Spec Headers
1 x AEM Cold Air Intake (3.8L)
99 x R1 Concepts Optimum Brake Pads (Front & Rear)
99 x M&S Carart Oval Black Emblem
3 x BBM Carbon Fiber Roof Fin Spoiler
18 x ATP 2.0L Downpipe
16 x Agency Power Dual BOV Kit (3.3L)
20 x ARK Performance GT-F Coilovers
8 x Glove Box LED Module
41 x Shift Knob - Spiderman
43 x AEM Filter (21-2047DK)
28 x GT-Spec Front Strut Bar
18 x DC Sports 2.0L Downpipe
21 x Clutchmasters FX400 (4-puck) Clutch/Flywheel Combo (2.0T)
21 x Sequence Widebody Flare Kit
15 x RalcoRZ STS Coupe (914108)
17 x Sequence Carbon Fiber Widebody Front Flares
14 x H&R Sport Springs (Coupe)
14 x CSF 3.8L Performance Radiator
1 x ARK R-Spec Headers (2.7L)
1 x ARK ST-P Coilovers
99 x ARK SFX Rear Bumper/Fender Combo
99 x ARK Legato Front Bumper
1 x ImportShark Vinyl Decal
1 x Convex Side Mirrors
50 x SuperLUX LED Smoked Taillights
22 x M&S Carart Hatch Spoiler
38 x Borla 2.0L Catback Exhaust
86 x NEFD Bodykit
40 x .Glossy Black Wing Emblem
26 x AirTouch VT Downpipe
46 x DC Sports Strut Bar (CSB1502)
30 x Carbon Fiber License Plate Frame
75 x Luxury Emblems
23 x VIS Carbon Fiber Hatch Spoiler
21 x Convex Side Mirrors
20 x 310 Tuner Hood Hinges
51 x ARK 3.8L H-Test Pipes
62 x Exos E-Logo Steering Wheel Emblem
55 x KDM FL Headlights (03-06)
70 x GT v2 Lettering
3 x ARK Performance GT-F Springs
53 x LED 2-way Inner Turn Signal Modules
24 x Spec Stage 2 Clutch (2.7L)
43 x Spec Stage 1 Clutch (1.8L/2.0L)
49 x Autoria Steering Wheel Badge
9 x AEM DryFlow Replacement Filter (Coupe 2.0T/3.8L)
32 x Injector Dynamics 3.8L Injectors
23 x StopTech Stainless Brake Lines (Rear)
18 x GT v2 Lettering
22 x ARK Legato Spoiler (FRP)
17 x Spyder Auto LED Headlights (Black)
29 x Clutchmasters FX100 Street Clutch
24 x Sequence Devil Claws
57 x TrakLite Trak-K Wheels (White)
21 x LED-Studio Rear Reflector Assemblies (Sequential)
61 x Luxury Steering Wheel Badge
1 x ARK CFX Front Grill (CF)
6 x ARK Performance 3.3L Downpipes
1 x Megan Racing Lowering Springs (RWD)
4 x Megan Racing Rear Control Arms
34 x Exos Turbo Lettering
36 x Maintec o2 Housing
38 x GT v3 Lettering
40 x Jun B.L Titanium GT 3.8L Catback Exhaust
1 x StopTech Centric Rotors (Slotted)
33 x Exos Turbo Lettering
27 x ARK Legato Spoiler (CF)
29 x GT Tech L2 Front Lip
9 x Jun B.L 3.3L Downpipes
1 x D2 Racing Coilover System
1 x Jun B.L 3.3L EVC Catback Exhaust
1 x KDM Turbo Clear Corner Headlights
1 x KDM Chrome Front Grill
1 x Sequence Foglight Covers
27 x VIP Classic Steering Wheel Badge
31 x H&R Sport Lowering Springs
28 x Jun B.L 3.3L Race Catback Exhaust
21 x .Boostec F/L Carbon Fiber Front Grill
34 x Jun B.L Street Exhaust
25 x KDM Stinger "E" Emblem
13 x K&N Typhoon 3.8L (69-5310TS)
10 x DBA T3 4000 Front & Rear Rotors (Slotted)
1 x LED Glove Box Module
13 x Injen Short Ram Air Intake
20 x SPEC Stage 1 (1.6L)
1 x .OEM Kia Re-Design Logo Badge
2 x Carbon Fiber Wheel Caps (Red)
1 x KDM Metallic Fuel Door
1 x Spec Stage 2+ Clutch (2.7L)
2 x GrimmSpeed License Plate Relocator
1 x RalcoRZ STS 5-Speed Shifter
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